Your mum is pretty special right?
Your mum would say anything just to make you feel good and help you even if it causes her pain or costs her money. But like all mothers, does your mum like to offer an opinion, advice or try to help in her own ‘particular’ way?
We bet your mum has said several of the following typical mom-isms (with the real meaning underneath)…
Can we talk about this later?
‘Hopefully you will forget and not bring this up again’
We’ll see.
‘Not right now because I will surprise you at some point’
‘No way not a chance’
Uh huh. Mm hmm. Yes, I know.
‘Im too busy im not listening right now’
Ask your father.
‘Passing the buck’
One day you’ll thank me
‘Sometimes I do know what im talking about’
Wait until you have children of your own.
‘Yes you will soon realise how hard it is’
There is no right time to have a baby.
‘I want grandkids!’
That’s an interesting outfit.
‘What are you wearing!!!’
Then there is the caring side of your mum, where she will say things like this…
I just want what’s best for you.
I will always love you – no matter what.
This hurts me more than it hurts you.
There is nothing you could ever do to make me love you less.
I love you because you are you.
I will love you if you pass or if you fail.
I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world.
Of course all of the above things your mum says she means well by them and would put you first before anything.
That’s why your mum deserves a break. Some time to herself. When was the last time she pampered herself, relaxed properly and was stress free? Remember, she’s not getting any younger!
We have the ideal gift for your mum on Mother’s Day. Something she will actually love (and maybe secretly wish for), want and get excited about. Something she truly deserves because your mum is so special.